Some are hard at work and some are slack in work . 有的勤奋工作,有的则消极怠工。
Doctors find that those who do not work are likely to be sick . if one desires longevity , one should be hard at work and also have plenty of play 医学家们发现,凡坐享清福的人,一定百病丛生,如果希望长寿,工作时刻苦工作,娱乐时尽情享受。
Here , 11 bakers were hard at work in an area the size of a football pitch , bigger than any kitchen i have seen outside a large hotel or a cruise ship 11位面包师在一个足球场大小的厨房里努力工作,这个厨房比我在大型酒店或邮轮外见过的任何厨房都大。
While everybody is having fun , the adjudicating team will be hard at work to ensure that we have the results ready for the awards presentation durng the party , this will be the climax for the evening 当大家尽情庆祝之际,裁判团将埋首计算赛果,并于随后公布,一同分享胜利喜悦。
Your affiliate representatives and the management at amway have been hard at work , too , focusing on the future , targeting those areas that require all of our energy and attention in order to make tomorrow ' s success as dynamic as yesterday ' s achievements 安利各分公司及管理层不断努力工作,部署未来发展大计,将精神投放在需要专注的地方,务求将来也能取得过往的辉煌成就。
The bush administration has been hard at work on this for a number of months - - phone calls , emissaries , consultations with other world leaders , i think started to produce some results . one lesson in all of this is how the international community can come together and recognize a danger and work together to avert the consequences of that danger 他说,从日本做出坚定的反应到马来西亚、泰国和新加坡粉碎恐怖主义基层组织的活动,亚洲国家纷纷加强了执法、边境巡逻和情报合作,使恐怖主义分子难以流窜、联络和策划阴谋,从而对全球反恐行动做出了贡献。
For over a week they were hard at work preparing a letter to nikolushka from all the household , writing out rough copies , copying out fair copies . with the watchful care of the countess , and the fussy solicitude of the count , all sorts of necessary things were got together , and money , too , for the equipment and the uniform of the young officer 他们准备一个多礼拜了,打好了书信的草稿,并且把全家写给尼古卢什卡的几封书信誊了一遍,在伯爵夫人的监督和伯爵的关照下,筹措一些必需品和钱款,为已擢升的军官置备军服和生活用具。